'QC. That's Where' everywhere the Army has been, the Rock Island Arsenal has been

Visit Quad Cities Season 4 Episode 13

Patrick Allie, the director of the Rock Island Arsenal Museum gives us an inside look at the hard work and thought that's gone into the renovation of the museum. Originally opened on July 4, 1905, the museum has been revamped only three times, once in response to WWI, another time in response to WWII, and the third in response to a the global COVID-19 pandemic. 
The mission of the museum is to showcase the Rock Island Arsenal's history, commands, the products, processes and people that make up the Arsenal. 
The museum is reopening June 29, 2023.
Patrick describes it as a "complete floor to ceiling renovation," with exhibits that are formatted chronologically, instead of topically. 
Find more information about the museum here:

#VisitQuadCities #RockIslandArsenal #QuadCities #Museum #Army #Military

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