QC, That's Where you can ride on the Mississippi River | How our water taxi got its start

Season 4 Episode 16

Kathy Wine, the Executive Director of River Action got inspired by a trip she took to Baltimore. 
She had ridden a pedestrian boat and saw the opportunities the Quad Cities had to have a similar service, on the Mississippi River.
Enthused with the idea, Kathy wrote a grant for a feasibility study to see if such a service as a water taxi could work in the Quad Cities. With $25,000 in hand, and encouragement from a River Action board member, the crew forewent the feasibility study and decided to buy a boat to start the water taxi. 
After a growth period and many successes three and a half years later, MetroLink, public transportation service, took over the Channel Cat, and its been a vital service for visitors and Quad Citzens ever since. 
The River Action organization continues to make strides in activating the world-renowned Mississippi River that acts as the Quad Cities' front porch.  Among other programs, they charter the Channel Cat regularly to provide an educational cruise series throughout the summer. 
Learn more about River Action and how you can get involved at RiverAction.org!

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