'QC, That's Where' there are 100 things you MUST do before you kick the bucket

Visit Quad Cities Season 4 Episode 17

Quad Citizen and author, Jonathan Turner, has made a lifelong career as a writer.  One of his latest works is "100 Things to do in the Quad Cities Before You Die," which is a guide book to help people navigate must-see and do activities in the Quad Cities region. 
The book is broken down topically, with recommendations and brief descriptions to help readers find an experience that fits their interests.
Jonathan explains that the brief writing style was a challenge, as there was much more to say about each attraction.  The book leads to exploration. Once a reader finds an attraction they are interested in and goes, that then opens up the possibilities for more findings in the area. 
#VisitQuadCities #QuadCities #GuideBook #100ThingsToDo 

QC, That's Where is a podcast powered by Visit Quad Cities. Through the people, partnerships, and personalities woven throughout the Quad Cities region, you'll meet real Quad Citizens and hear the untold stories of the region.
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