'A Quiet Place' writers Scott Beck & Bryan Woods talk about how they got their start in the Quad Cities

Visit Quad Cities Season 4 Episode 18

Scott Beck and Bryan Woods met back when they were 11-year-old kids at Bettendorf Middle School, bonding over a shared interest of making movies. Through the years they moved from stop-action films with action figures to getting friends to act in their films, holding casting calls and getting their movies played on screen at places like "The Adler Theatre" or "The Putnam."
As professionals, writing unique favorites like "A Quiet Place" has turned into daily life. Now, in pursuit of a new dream, the duo is working to open "The Last Picture House," a premier cinema, bar, and social lounge in the heart of Davenport, Iowa.
Check out the renderings here: https://www.lastpicturehouse.com/

#VisitQuadCities #ScottBeck #BryanWoods

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