Is word of mouth still the most powerful marketing tool? QC business owner chats promotional methods

Visit Quad Cities Season 4 Episode 22

Christina, along with her husband Brooks, own Board and Brush Quad Cities, a vibrant DIY creative studio. They've made it their mission to provide a creative getaway for groups and individuals looking to get creative, with paint and sip workshops, kids' parties, and more. Christina walks us through her journey of owning a business, the twists and turns she's encountered, and how she's carved out a unique niche in the bustling Quad Cities community.

Christina’s infectious passion for her business doesn’t stop there. She talks about the triumphs of her first year, the challenges she faced, and her grand plans for the future. With Board and Brush's rich variety of projects they offer, Christina reveals her personal favorites and shares fascinating insights into their integral part in promoting the Quad Cities' bragging rights. And if you thought being part of a franchise might limit creativity, Christina's experience tells a different tale - the flourishing local events coupled with the support of a larger network has been a winning combination.

Are you ready to get crafty with your family? Christina shares heartwarming stories of families bonding over their unique DIY projects, workshops, and events at Board and Brush. From a popular pumpkin workshop to a snowman event, she emphasizes the joy and memories created. Christina’s personal family involvement in the business shines through as she explains how it has shaped their decisions and offerings. Lovers of DIY or crafting novices, everyone’s welcome here. 

#VisitQuadCities #BoardAndBrush 

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Speaker 1:

I can't believe you ran out that quickly, that's amazing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I wish I was exaggerating. My dad was out front cutting more with a. Saw it was it was it got very busy? We felt you know, we were like, yeah, we did not realize that it was going to be that popular.

Speaker 3:

Where do you find a family of communities connected by the storied Mississippi River, where young explorers and dreamers, investors and entrepreneurs thrive? Where can you connect with real people living and creating in a place that's as genuine as it is quirky QC? That's when.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to QC. That's when I'm, katrina, your host, and today I'm so excited to be talking to Christina, the owner of Borden Brush, quad Cities Super cool shop with workshops. I'm going to have you, christina, just go ahead and talk about what Borden Brush is and how you guys got started.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, thanks for having me on. We're a DIY creative studio so we do a lot of paint and sip workshops. Most of them entail a wood component, but we also do door mats and we do bags and different things. We're located right behind Barrel House and Viagra's on Yudhik Ridge Road, so right at Yudhik Ridge in 53rd, and we've been there about a year and we really came to be because I visited a Borden Brush myself with my mom. We visited the Borden Brush in Dubuque and we thought, you know, it was really fun. We had a great time.

Speaker 2:

My husband and I are big DIYers ourselves. We've done a lot of home renovations. We build a gazebo on our property. We just love that type of thing. I kind of was raised doing that, so also great to have my dad. He's a super help with Borden Brush. But we decided to open our own and again, we've been there for a year and we've really had a great time. We've been really busy. This is our busy season. We have a lot of people in for workshops and it's kind of like a party, so we serve beer and wine. We've got music playing, music videos on. It's definitely a three hour escape for a lot of people to kind of get away and do something fun and escape the everyday.

Speaker 1:

You know rigmarole, so I had the pleasure of coming in I think very early on you might have been opened two weeks and came in, did a little interview with you and Brooks and just kind of got to see the whole process from the outside looking in. So like one year later, from starting to being like fully established in the Quad Cities at your location, what has evolved for you guys?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we've definitely learned a lot. We've definitely mastered little, just tips and tricks that I don't even know that customers would notice, but we've definitely, you know, gotten more receptive to what really works workshops scheduling. So all of our workshops you actually go out to our calendar and then you register for a public workshop and then we also do private events as well that you'd reach out to us to schedule. But just working on getting you know events that people really want to do, definitely, customer feedback is really important for us and, yeah, we've just made a lot of friends too. We have, you know, regulars that are in there every couple of weeks and they're once a month, once a quarter, and they really love it and we love, you know, having those people and we love having new people and they've never come in.

Speaker 2:

We've done, you know, a lot of bachelorette parties, team building events, kids' birthday parties is something we kind of entered into, which is super fun, and we've really enjoyed doing all that. So there's always a learning experience. You know. There's always a little bit to learn every time. Every workshop you learn something new. I almost think for everybody.

Speaker 2:

But, yeah, it's been a great experience, and you can check out our Facebook page at Board and Brush Quad Cities. You can see all of the projects that people create in our studio. We post after every workshop so you can see. You know people's projects turn out awesome. So that's what we're about. It's good customer service and making sure that everyone really has a fun time. That would be our number one, our number one goal at every workshop.

Speaker 1:

So, uh, board and Brush is a franchise correct. Yes, so like having your own location in the Quad Cities, are you guys? Do you guys have the freedom and flexibility to take on new types of events? Like you said, you entered into kids' birthday parties, which was kind of a new awakening. Like, what kinds of things are you able to expand to?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we have a lot of autonomy. I mean, it's really we're local here. My husband and I were both, you know, born here, raised here, went to the University of Iowa and, you know, are starting growing our family here, and so you know, we have a lot of autonomy to kind of, you know, make it what we want. The nice part about the franchise system is that we have a lot of, you know, connections across the country. Up in Heartland, wisconsin, is where Board and Brush was founded. We get to pump out 20 new designs to you guys every single month, and so that's something we wouldn't have the capacity to do on our own. So there's definitely a lot of benefit to that. And then, but they give us a lot of autonomy and you know, they're definitely a family-run organization as well as we are. You'll see my dad in there. We've got, you know, other family members in there helping and it's definitely a family-run business and we kind of make it our own.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, we've expanded to kids parties. We do. You know, we're doing a few more walking events, we do snowmen and we just did pumpkins. That was a fun one $5 for those, that was really busy. So, yeah, we like to offer as much as we can and continue to evolve. We're always trying to think of something new, put something new on the calendar. We did cookbook stands this year, so at Christmas cookbook stands, we've added. We do a lot of collaborations too. We've done florals for a Gallantines Day and Mother's Day, and then we're doing Christmas cookie decorating class with a little trays, christmas cookie trays this winter. And we're always looking to do, you know, work with other small businesses in the Quad Cities and bring new events, something with a twist and something fun that customers will really enjoy.

Speaker 1:

So when you say DIY, like I think there's two types of people. People that like really jump at it and are like, yes, I'm a DIY person, and then the other half that's like, whoa, I'm going to mess this up, right, yeah, I mean, I'm sure you get a little bit of both. Like, how do you instruct people who are really not comfortable in that space? And like, do you have any fun stories of people who you know maybe came in uncomfortable and did a rockstar job or left with something?

Speaker 2:

to do with it? Yeah, no, that's a great question and point. So we have customers that they own a Cricut, they do DIY, they do stencils, they know what the word transfer tape means and that's awesome. We love those type of customers. We also have customers who come in and say I have no idea what I'm doing, I don't like crafting, I'm here for the bride, I don't. You know, we've had a few people have no idea and that's totally fine. That's what we're there for.

Speaker 2:

We use stencils, so you don't have to have some super, you know artistic ability or be a big crafter. It's really. You know, my five year old niece does this and she has a blast. So really I do think, whether you're five or 95, you could accomplish this, and my husband or I are typically we are, we thus far have been, you know, running the workshops and we've added on a few employees to help just because our schedule is getting so busy. But you know, we've got some great employees who have worked at other board and brushes or, you know, younger or older or whoever it is, but really enjoyed it and done this a few times and have really good experience with it.

Speaker 2:

But I would say our employees really make the experience worth it and we know the tips and tricks. We've done it for a year. We've seen over a thousand customers. We've done hundreds of signs ourselves. So, yeah, we've got your back.

Speaker 2:

I would say in the studio that's the main thing and everything's fixable. That's kind of my motto in life and at Board and Brush we're not doing, you know, life saving surgeries. Here we're making projects and DIY. And sometimes DIY is a you know DIY. Don't you accidentally do the wrong thing, and we can always grab another piece of wood, grab new stain, grab new paint color, sand something down. It's always able to fix something.

Speaker 2:

So I would say, nothing you're going to do is going to, you know, is going to be life or death at Board and Brush and we're always, you know, happy to make sure it works out. We say we always want to make sure it's wall worthy. So our goal is like you're not going to shove this in a closet, you're not going to throw it in the trash, we want you to give it as a gift or put it on your wall. And there's definitely some people who are more perfectionist and some people are like I, like the imperfection of it. So we'll definitely cater to. You know our customer base and what they want and we just want to make sure they like it. At the end Our goal is to make sure you like it and want to. You know I had a good time and a good experience, so it's a little two part there the experience and then the project.

Speaker 1:

So something that you're proud to display, whatever that looks like for the yeah yeah. So, being a creative studio, you guys are in kind of a unique space, because it's not like people can just come mosey on in like accidentally, right Like when people come as customers, it's a scheduled workshop event, so how do you advertise yourselves, how do you get the word out when you've got an event coming? I know you guys use our events calendar, so talk about that a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so 95% of our workshops you're right there they require pre-registration. You'll go online and on our calendar you'll pick the project and the workshop you want to do and you'll register. We really like to utilize your calendar. It's really great for us to pop an event on there just so people can access that and see what we're doing. You know we've used some social media marketing. I think word of mouth is really big for us, just even organic reach within our followers on Facebook or Instagram, the people who follow us. They'll share their posts with a friend, but I would say definitely a lot of it's word of mouth If someone wants to do an event and they'll talk to a friend at work and say, hey, have you heard of this board who brush? And that's how we get a lot of returning customers as someone who came with somebody else and had a great time and then they bring somebody else and that's really how I think we've been successful. But I do like to utilize your calendar.

Speaker 2:

We've done some advertising, a little print advertising before. We've done some outreach just in the community. We've dropped bags off. We've definitely hustled and done some you know, boots on the ground there. I've knocked some doors almost, if you will, and kind of cold calling that way to just get our name out there. And that was definitely half the battle last year, I'd say. This year it's now we're getting a lot of interest in trying to make sure we can accommodate every single group that wants to come in, and we definitely do that.

Speaker 1:

So would you say that that word of mouth has been the largest driver of like new and return customers?

Speaker 2:

I think so. I think if people have a good experience, I mean, I think let me go out to Google and we've got a lot of good Google reviews and Facebook reviews and people saying this is something they like, I prefer the organic outreach. I just think that's, you know, the organic reach. I think that's important. I think that would be our biggest. I think it's hard to gauge all the metrics.

Speaker 2:

We like to ask people how did you hear of us? You know we have had people say you know, I was out on your calendar, I was at Google, that or, you know, use these different means to find us. But I think word of mouth is definitely important. We did have someone call, I think a couple of days ago and this was one of the first time I've actually heard someone say this and she said my mom was in my house and she saw I changed something out in the law. I had your sign up and she asked what it was, where did I get it? And you know she told her that she made it and she said where did you make that? And now they're coming in together and a mother-daughter group of moms wants to do it now. So they're gonna do that before Christmas together. So we've heard that a little bit, but I think definitely, you know, people having a good experience somewhere would help, would definitely help.

Speaker 1:

So that's awesome, I think. I think, like one of our push like pushes of messaging here at like, visit Quad Cities is just talking about the experience you have, whether it's, you know, at a studio like Board and Brush, or if it's at a museum you like, or if it's like an asset, you know, walking along the Mississippi River, whatever, like. That's something that we're really trying to push is just the more that we talk about what we like here and what we do, and you know what makes us tick, the more we can like successfully spread the word, you know the word of what the Quad Cities is, what things we have like you know, like your creative studio. It's the braggability factor that, like the Quad Cities does have so much to offer in so many different aspects, like you know, arts and culture, creative Quad City arts. There's a QC art trail that we put on, where we can, you know, lead people around the Quad Cities to show our murals and standing sculptures and places to see art, places to do art, like Board and Brush or Buttercup Candles, where you can actually make and take your own. So there's just there's so much to brag about and that's something that we're always trying to push.

Speaker 1:

There was a stat and the number escapes me, but there was a stat that said you know, people who hadn't been to the Quad Cities had, you know, no perception of what we were. And then after they left, it was a positive perception. So just trying to get that like yeah, just that friendly word of mouth, push about our area, and so you guys are definitely doing a lot of light work on that just by being here and having a positive experience for so many people, how many people would you say you've seen in the last year.

Speaker 2:

you said I mean over a thousand, for sure. I mean I'd say we see, I mean over 1200. I over a hundred a month, but it just it varies. This is our busy season so we're seeing you know way more than that. But yeah, I think, without just off the top of my head, I'd say we've seen you know 1200 in the last year, plus a little bit.

Speaker 1:

I mean it's honestly. It's honestly so impressive because now think about it going into your second year. All those people know about you and all those people have something that they made and took away from board and brush that they're hopefully displaying somewhere or gave to somebody. It's really just gonna grow. It's really cool. So do you guys have plans to expand on the line, like, what's your five, ten years look like? And I know that's a horrible question because nobody knows what they're doing tomorrow. I mean we would love to stay here.

Speaker 2:

We, you know we do like to, you know, be that entertainment source for people here. You know, this is definitely something fun for people to do and kind of get out and do something a little different. You can still get a drink and still listen to music. You can go to the bars after eat dinner, before bring dinner to board and brush. It's something fun to do. So we'd like to stay here, you know, as long as people would have us.

Speaker 2:

You know, I think the location we're at is very critical to our success. That was something I wanted to make sure we're in a more central location. We want to serve, you know, not just one of the cities in the Quad Cities and we live, you know, more rural. Even so, we want to make sure even people on Eldridge and DeWitt and whether it's, you know, more like Bluegrass, we want those people to definitely come and be able, you know, to come out here in Milan, and we have people from all over. So we want to serve, you know, the Quad City areas and surrounding areas Geneseo, clinton and we do have a lot of people from those areas come as well, and so I think the location is very central and that's important. So I think we would definitely stay here. I definitely, you know, hopefully we can continue to expand and you know we love to be able to, you know, have more employees on board when we, you know, are reaching our capacity, which we are right now.

Speaker 2:

We're kind of realizing that we definitely need to continue to grow and, you know, growing at a very good pace, I would say it's a very comfortable pace and, yeah, it's been, it's been really good.

Speaker 2:

So I would say, you know, hopefully we continue to be successful and get to maybe to expand in other areas and we've definitely done some different things. We do board and brush brought to you now so we can bring board and brush to you. We've done several events at a couple of schools and we have one at JFK this Friday. We're doing one at Augustana College for a fraternity, for their mothers. The mothers are coming for the fraternity. We're doing an event with them. We've done to whip farmers markets and a few other markets. So we want to continue to expand and, on, board and brush brought to you is definitely a way we can reach other communities or just larger groups in a really big group with John Deere. We've done at TBK. So we want to continue to do that as well and always, always evolve and expand and grow, grow who we can, who we can work with.

Speaker 1:

So of the projects that you offer, do you have a personal favorite that you like to instruct, or like that you'd like to just do?

Speaker 2:

I definitely am. I like the trays. We do a lot of trays. I just I have a lot of trays around our house like coffee table trays and just even centerpieces I'll put on the dining room table for holiday. So I really like those and I like the ones that are personalized with a name or something. That's.

Speaker 2:

The first project I did was, like our, a monogram with our last name and wedding date. We're getting married that year so I did that. I thought that was really special. I did that with my mom and that was kind of cool to be able to keep that and we wrote you know the date we did it on the back and that was just kind of a nice memory to have. So I think being able to make memories with it is really cool. With you know certain people. I think that's what we like aim to do is bring families together and friends that maybe don't get to see each other enough and get to do something kind of special like that. So we definitely like to do you know groups that get together and sometimes it's really happy.

Speaker 1:

It's usually happy events.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes it's, you know, more sad in honor of someone they've lost and we can still be with them and they can get together and that's a really cool, a cool time too. But a lot of you know we do a lot of bachelor up parties and we do a lot of bridal events, that we do a lot of birthdays and anniversaries and things like that and we like to get people together to have a good time. So let's say those are the most fun to instruct. And then I just I like the trays lately I like a lot of our planter, we planter boxes I think those are kind of different and fun and got clocks and shelves and a lot of different projects. So if you don't want to sign, we have got door mats. We do a lot of different fun kind of specially workshops too do you have like a?

Speaker 1:

is there like a fan favorite one that you keep recurring because it's very popular?

Speaker 2:

yeah, we'll post that every year. So the top four projects picked I know one of them was a welcome sign, it was. It was one of our new. We do it. We had a new release and then one was a Christmas, a holiday sign last year and I'm not sure this year. But we'll go through and we can kind of categorize and figure out what the top projects were that were picked and we'll post that. So that's kind of cool to see. But we have over a thousand designs. So I mean there's a lot of workshops where nobody picks the same thing and then sometimes there's workshops where two or three people pick the same project and they turn out completely different, because we've got 70 paint colors and nine stains and different paint techniques that people use to really make it their own. That's awesome.

Speaker 1:

I love that. And do you guys, um, do you guys ever like just close the doors and bring in your own friends and own family, like, do you utilize it for your own, you know, family events and stuff? Yeah, we do.

Speaker 2:

I wish we did a little more. I think we're tired a lot, we're spending a lot of time. I feel like a lot of people are like you don't have more of these in your house and we have a good. I count. Another day we had like six or seven. So I said that's pretty, that's pretty good. But you know, we we do have times where I'll go in there with my mom and we'll make something. Or you know, we want to do a little Christmas family get together and things like that. But a lot of times when we're making things, we're making things for customers, we're making things new seasonal projects. You guys can see our new releases, new things for the walls. There's a, there's a lot of that. That goes on, especially during this busy season.

Speaker 1:

What workshops do you have coming up seasonally? We're coming up on Thanksgiving. We're coming up on Christmas, new Year holidays yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 2:

So we have our cookbook stand workshop. That one's a specialty workshop. They're $40. That one's in November, so definitely check out our calendar for that one. That one's starting to fill up.

Speaker 2:

We have added this is a new thing we've added. Since we've been open a year We've added bonus signs to all our workshops. So you pick a project you want to do in our pick your project workshop and then you're able to add a bonus sign which is a smaller project for $15. And you can add those that you pick your project workshops. And we've had a lot of free bonus sign workshops and those have sold out. I think we have one left in December but we'll continue to do those monthly for people. People really like the free bonus sign, so we will continue to do that. That's a fun one. And we've got a cookie decorating class in December. That'll be really fun. And we have ornament ornament classes too and those are family friendly. Those are really fun too. It's a set of five ornaments and we have a ton of different design options for those. And then we've got our little snowman. I wish I should have Bush had an example, but they're really cute.

Speaker 2:

That's a walk in event. It's $5. I think it'll be very busy. I would say come to the second session, you. They sold us out of pumpkins in about 10 minutes. We had 100 and almost 40 pumpkins and we got sold out of those back in October. In about about 10 to 15 minutes those were all gone. So we've made plenty of snowmen. We've opened up two sessions for our walk in snowman event and we will. We will be ready for the crowds to come for that one. That one's going to be a fun, a fun, busy day.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome. I can't believe you ran out that quickly. That's amazing. Yeah, wish.

Speaker 2:

I was exaggerating. My dad was out front cutting more with a. Saw it was it was it got very busy.

Speaker 1:

We felt you know, we were like, yeah, we did not realize that it was going to be that popular, so shout out to the dads and the and the family members and the helpers, like when, when something like that happens, like, okay, this went better than expected. Now you got to go do some manual labor and make.

Speaker 2:

yeah yeah, my dad is great. He's. He's been like the superhero of it all. He's. He's a, he's great. He helps us do a lot of the builds and he's helped. He's helped a lot, especially, and he's very good at good at that and he really steps in when he needs to. And Brooke's mom has been awesome. She will. We told her we should bring out a glue for these pumpkins. I mean, we just obviously thought 120 was enough and it was not. So we are 140, we ended up having 20 more, but yeah, it was. It was crazy. So we definitely appreciate all the family that has stepped in when we need it.

Speaker 1:

You said something earlier that kind of resonated. So you know, you said anytime you can bring together people to make a memory, you know, not just a positive experience, but like something that they will physically take away and something that they'll remember doing. Yeah, I love that you guys do, you know, not only just happy occasions and celebrations, but events that you can, you know, come together and in memory of somebody or in honor of somebody. That can be so beautiful, and I, you know, I wouldn't have thought of that. Normally, when you're doing like a workshop, get together event, it's some kind of, you know, celebratory, but it can really span a huge list of meanings and purposes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that's true and it's important. Family is very important to Brux, my husband. He also owns Board and Brush with me and to me as well, and so it's really important for us. And we found Board and Brush it really fit what we like and how we live our lives and what we enjoy to do, and we said this is a really cool business because this is very fun and it really can allow people to get together and we do.

Speaker 3:

It is really a two-part business.

Speaker 2:

It really is the experience people have. And a lot of times it's just like some people are not there for the project and that's OK, it's to get together with their friend they haven't really seen in a year. And then again, for some people it is only about the project and they're coming by themselves because they saw the new release and they need that Christmas sign and that's totally fine, and that's three hours for them to step away from whatever else they have going on and they want to do that and that works too. So we've got a total spectrum of interest and we definitely serve all our customers and want them to have the best experience. And we kind of have that level, that bar set, of our board and brush experience. And whether you spend $5 at a walk-in event one time or you've spent $500 with us, we want you to have that board and brush experience and that's definitely really important to us.

Speaker 1:

When you have your open workshops, do you ever have people who come in as strangers and leave as friends or one mentor? Yeah, I think we have.

Speaker 2:

I think we have, and again, typically our workshops do require preregistration I'd say like 95% but we do have these walk-in events and it'll say walk-in on our calendar and we do have had people and we've never met them before and they'll come back. Or you'll have someone who came in with a team building event and they weren't really sure about this and then they're having their kids' birthday there and they want to have a girls' night there and their book club there, and it kind of just grows like that. So that's why I think the organic reach in the word of mouth is really so important.

Speaker 1:

So I mean I have to tout again like so glad that you guys use it. I want to extend my message to business owners to let you all know visitquadcitiescom slash events calendar. It is user-generated, it's free, we don't charge anybody to use it. Pop in your event name description, any information about it.

Speaker 1:

And the cool thing about our events calendar is it's the number one clicked page on our website. You know it's dual purpose serving, because not only does it get people to our site to, you know they Google something what's going on in the Quad Cities. They land on our site, they have the opportunity to see all the events going on, do a search, you know, based on their interest or dates they have available. But also, you know, they can pop around and learn more about the Quad Cities, which just helps everybody. And then right back. It is, like I said, a free way for people to get eyes on their events, and so it's just a comprehensive, it's the community calendar, and I'm just so thrilled that you guys have made use of it and hopefully have gotten some turnaround from it too.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I think we definitely have. We have had a couple of people, I think, especially people that are visiting the Quad Cities. I mean, I understand visit Quad Cities, but they really do, people that are coming here looking for something to do. I think I have promoted events on it since I found it. I've done it every month. I try to put all of our events on there, or majority of them, so people you know have access to it and I do think for other business owners, I think it's a great way to get, you know, eyes on what you're doing and, you know, really showcase the things you're offering in the Quad Cities.

Speaker 2:

And it's nice when I'm out there, because I'll look and then I'll say I didn't know this was happening this week and I was at a music concert I didn't know about. So like I find things now that I probably didn't before I owned Board and Brush, I wasn't looking at it as much. I've found, you know, events that we've gone and done, or whether it's a trivia night or a. We've done. You know a few concerts and things we've gone to and it's a nice resource.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you know we challenge anyone who's ever in their life said, oh, there's nothing to do in the Quad Cities, go to that events calendar because we will prove you wrong with multiple things daily. We have over a thousand events in the Quad Cities every year. I mean, there's just there's no match for this area and we're just so proud to be able to help host that resource where people can find out what's going on, and thank you for being part of it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure I appreciate you guys having it and it's definitely, you know, for a new business like us, it was a great resource to find and I said you know I was really excited to utilize it and we'll continue to utilize as long as you guys have it out there, because it is a good resource.

Speaker 1:

Definitely not going anywhere. So thank you for that, yeah, and so I think it is time, Christina, for us to have you fill in the blank QC that's where Home is.

Speaker 2:

That's where home is for us.

Speaker 1:

I love it and that needs to be on a board or a tray or sign. Oh, a tray.

Speaker 2:

I love that we could do that. I think we could do that.

Speaker 1:

We'll have to come and do a visit, visit Quad Cities, where a staff have about a dozen. So we should come in sometime and do a team building for our next exercise. Make some, make some things for our office here.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we'd love to have you guys.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you so much, Christina. Please tell everybody where they can find you on social media and how to register for an event.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it would be Quad or jeez, if I can even speak Board and Brush Quad Cities. That's how you can find us on Facebook and then you can find us at boardandbrushcom. So you can just Google us, you can just put us in the search bar, We'll pop up. But we're on Facebook and Instagram, Board and Brush Quad Cities, and we'd love to have you guys like us follow us, check us out, see what we're doing on our calendar and sign up for a workshop.

Speaker 3:

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