'QC, That's Where' a mobile photo booth business went from idea to reality in a matter of weeks
When you get a golden idea - run with it. That's what Rachel Stahle and Kelsey Watson did, leading to the creation of Snap Wagon. Embark on a journey with us and discover how a mobile photo booth became the cornerstone of a thriving business. This episode unravels the tapestry of their hard-won success, detailing the metamorphosis of a simple concept into a community-connecting phenomenon and marketing powerhouse. Rachel and Kelsey's passion for local growth and their unique blend of volunteering spirit and marketing ingenuity are nothing short of inspiring.
Picture this: you're at an event, and a photo booth captures your most joyous moments. That's the experience Rachel and Kelsey have perfected with Snap Wagon, transcending traditional photography to craft unforgettable memories in a cozy environment. Our candid discussion uncovers the heart of creating a business that resonates with each smile snapped. The duo shares pearls of wisdom for budding entrepreneurs, emphasizing the harmony of shared visions and diverse strengths. Their story is a roadmap for anyone dreaming of turning their entrepreneurial aspirations into reality, complete with practical advice on leveraging valuable resources.
As we wind through the narrative of these inspirational women, we also celebrate the power of community in the world of business. Their stories attest to how engagement with local initiatives and a collaborative spirit have been pivotal for Snap Wagon's triumph. From personal tales of nonprofit involvement to strategic networking, Rachel and Kelsey exemplify what it means to intertwine professional success with meaningful community contributions. So, grab a cup of java from the QC Coffee Trail, and tune in to an episode that's rich with the aroma of entrepreneurial spirit, community collaboration, and the joy that comes from capturing life's best moments.
Find the Snap Wagon on social media
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thesnapwagonquadcities
Instagram - thesnapwagonqc
TikTok - thesnapwagonqc
Or on their website at thesnapwagonqc.com
QC, That's Where is a podcast powered by Visit Quad Cities. Through the people, partnerships, and personalities woven throughout the Quad Cities region, you'll meet real Quad Citizens and hear the untold stories of the region.
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And I asked her do we have this in the Quad Cities? And she's like no, we do not. And so a week later she messages me again and she's like so are we doing this? And to come to find out, we had the next week later we had an LLC, an EIN, a credit card and a business plan.
Speaker 2:Where do you find a family of communities connected by the storied Mississippi River, where young explorers and dreamers, investors and entrepreneurs thrive? Where can you connect with real people living and creating in a place that's as genuine as it is quirky QC? That's where.
Speaker 3:Welcome to QC. That's where I'm, katrina, your host. I'm so excited to be back for our new season with Rachel Staley and Kelsey Watson, co-owners of the Snapwagon. Hello, how are you guys doing Good?
Speaker 1:thanks.
Speaker 3:So we were talking a little bit before and I think it's only fair to throw it immediately to you guys to really peel back the layer of onion of what you guys do outside of the Snapwagon and then let's bring it back to Snapwagon. So, kelsey, who are you? What are you talk about? Your background?
Speaker 4:Yeah, so I'm Kelsey Watson. I am a full-time marketing specialist, but on the side I just joked a little bit ago I'm a professional side hustler. So while I do own this photo booth business of Snapwagon with Rachel, I also have a little social media LinkedIn optimization company called Sparkle Sophisticate. And then I also do wedding planning on the side and I'm also planning my own wedding. So it comes in handy, and I've been in the QC for over 20 years. I'm not a native, but basically am, and I love all things local, I love the Quad Cities, I love living here and I don't ever plan on leaving.
Speaker 1:So and my name is Rachel Staley and I've been born and raised in Vent, north Iowa. I've lived a few different places, but I've always ended back up here in the Quad Cities. I have a few entrepreneurial ideas, so I also own Candle Company, which is a traveling candle workshop company benefiting local businesses. I come to you to put on a candle workshop, which is just like something fun to do, and then also owning the Snapwagon, which actually opened up October of 2023. So it's been a really fun ride. Also heavily involved in the JCs as well and love to volunteer other nonprofits and the Quad City community.
Speaker 3:So I'm like getting from you both of you that you're very like interpersonal centric. You have, you've put a lot of stock and weight into serving people through your hobbies, through your businesses, nonprofit world. Let's start with the Snapwagon. What was the idea behind it and what is it for? Definitely.
Speaker 1:So actually the Snapwagon kind of originated when I went to a wedding in Dallas for a friend and they had a mobile photo booth that was a actually a camper van, a mini camper van and I texted Kelsey, who obviously does wedding planning on the side she's the co-chair of the JCs wedding expo and I asked her do we have this in the Quad Cities?
Speaker 1:And she's like no, we do not. And so a week later she messages me again and she's like so are we doing this? And to come to find out, we had the next week later we had an LLC, an EIN, a credit card and a business plan and we really kind of tried to decide who is our? Who do we want to sell to? Right, and it's really. We found out that it's a fantastic marketing tool. We thought weddings would be our bread and butter, right, but because we can put logos on our template and they can upload them to social media, it's a fantastic marketing tool for nonprofits to have the Snap Lake in there as well as other corporate events as well, local businesses to kind of spread their logo and their mission as well.
Speaker 3:So that's how that started Visually like everybody's been to an event where there's like a photo booth, you know the classic, where there's a table of props and what have you Like. So walk me through. What is different that the Snap Wagon does.
Speaker 4:Yeah, the Snap Wagon is a seven by 11 foot trailer. It's our little Dorothea. If you're Swifty, I had to. I had to go with the name that was in a Swifty sound, so we love her so much. She used to be a little red thing and she is now pearly white.
Speaker 4:We have like taken advantage of all the relationships that we have, basically, and in a good way. We're giving people business too, but just making this kind of vision come to life. Rachel and I work on Turbo mode, so I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. We probably don't. We balance each other on every way, except probably that we're both very like go, go, go, go go. But the trailer itself it has like little barn doors that open in the back and you just kind of we have little steps so you climb in. We built a bench and I say we because you know Rachel did most of it but we really did put like our blood, sweat and tears into this trailer when we were remodeling it. Luckily it already had the vinyl flooring. If we had to do that ourselves, I'm not quite sure if we would still be in business today, because it was just I joke, but it was.
Speaker 4:It was definitely a process to remodel, to remodel the trailer. We put wallpaper in, we painted the whole thing, sanded the whole thing. Our vision. We first started we did a little L bench when you walk in, so it's very homey, comfy, it's aesthetically pleasing. We have a little flora wallpaper that we did and we mounted. Her way friend actually built us this little contraption and we were able to mount our iPad on the wall across from the bench to save room. So we didn't need to purchase like an actual photo booth shell, as they call it, or an iPad shell, because it's all powered by an iPad. So with the aesthetically pleasing part, we've got like cute pillows in there. And then we do have a little trunk of props and we're always looking to add to our little inventory Like unique and different and fun. So that's kind of we're just here to add some flair to the way you make memories. That's really what we're all about.
Speaker 3:I like that. That's really cool. So, okay, you do not have obviously, being kind of a mobile, portable, like asset. You don't have a brick and mortar, you don't have like an office where people can go, come in and say, hey, do you? So how does marketing look and how does like getting your word out? Look in that space when you really just are a virtual kind of company.
Speaker 4:Do you want me to take that one Rach? Yeah, you can go ahead and do that one, Okay. So Rachel and I, we both split up our responsibilities very evenly. I feel I kind of spearhead the marketing aspect of the business, being that I've been. I majored in communication and public relations and journalism in college, so I really have lived in that realm since like 20, I don't want to age myself.
Speaker 3:So I'm not going to say that I graduated college Do it age yourself.
Speaker 4:We want to hear it. I went to Monmouth College and I graduated in 2015. So I act like I'm really old, I feel old, my knees hurt.
Speaker 3:That's just being busy. That's done that to you, I think.
Speaker 4:So I've lived in that marketing realm for all these years and I fell into hospitality. I am now in a position in marketing, have been for three years now and I really it's fun because I market for a technology company and it's a lot different than marketing for this little passion, passionate brainchild of ours that Rachel and I have kind of dreamed up. And I want I mean we I think we both I can speak for Rachel too we want to do this work all the time. Like if we could keep our salaries, keep our benefits and ideally that'd be the dream right and just do this full time, I think we would both say absolutely yes.
Speaker 4:So with the marketing aspect, I am you know, I'm pretty I'm getting better at TikTok, have a lot of TikToks. We primarily post on Facebook and Instagram and then we also have a LinkedIn. So of course, audiences are all different on all those platforms. Linkedin being we want to target more of, like, those corporate event planners, people that plan events for their own companies, and then Facebook and Instagram is more of a younger crowd, the late night scrollers. It's all about just kind of figuring out when, the when our audience is online and what they want to see when they're online. So we've been very heavy in the marketing, I feel, I mean, and we're only going to get even more heavily involved in it. Not having a brick and mortar, I don't think affects that at all, because we have this digital age that we can live in.
Speaker 1:So Kelsey does a really nice job at all the TikToks and Instagram posts and things like that and keeping people engaged and things like that. And something to note is before, when we initially thought we would be doing weddings and things like that, we didn't have a LinkedIn. And we kind of thought, well, we should be having a LinkedIn because, you know our, our main focus really is corporate events and nonprofit you know, nonprofit corporations so things like that. So why not have a LinkedIn to focus our marketing towards them and things like that? So that kind of came out of fruition later on, but it's been growing our engagement and our viewers daily.
Speaker 4:Yeah, I think one thing too with marketing is just reaching out to the people that are planning the events already and just simply asking, because usually somebody that's planning an annual event wants that unique, different touch and that's exactly what we can offer. And then we want to retain that and keep it going, because, guess, the events that we've done, guess, love it. Because all you hear is like laughs. And we got a review just recently from hand in hand shout out to Ashley at hand in hand, but she left us a fabulous review. Just, you know, people are still talking about it and that's exactly what we want. We want to leave that mark on people's events.
Speaker 3:Have you had an event that you've been at? That was maybe like a surprise to you, like I never would have thought you know that we would be of service to you. Know, lex wire's a.
Speaker 1:Well, our debut. We actually debuted at Made Market, the December Made Market, and that was kind of before. You know. We thought we would be doing weddings but people were in and out of that, laughing their butts off, having a great time, even the people who didn't want to go in, right, the husbands who were begrudgingly forced to go in and take a photo. And then we got all these requests like what about a Kingston year or a retirement party? And we kind of really thought about, well, what else could we be doing? There's this the opportunities are endless with the snap wagon, the mobile photo booth business.
Speaker 3:Where do you guys see yourselves? You know like long term, with the snap wagon, bigger events, more weddings, like what do you guys think is going to come of it?
Speaker 1:Yeah, we've definitely talked about this, so hopefully we'll be adding a new service by the end of 2020. Well, mid 2024, we'd like to. We've actually recently added a snap audio service, which is an audio book, which is like the voicemail phone that you can leave a voicemail to your loved ones at a wedding, things like that. So that's a new service that we offer. We would love to also offer a like, an open like, a retro open air booth to kind of compete with the others.
Speaker 1:You know, other photo booths in the area and potentially we'd love, you know, by 2025, we would love to grow our fleet of mobile. You know, photo booths potentially have an actual camper, van or Volkswagen bus, you know, determined, but that is where we'd love to be and I don't know, Kelsey, if you wanted to add on to that.
Speaker 4:No, I just I think I have to laugh because Rachel and I have had many conversations about this and we will continue to because that's the way our brains work. But if you let Rachel keep talking for about five more minutes about it, she would say we'll have a franchise and you know we'll be in other you know big cities and other things like that which you know it's not far off. Obviously, like you know, you have to start somewhere and I just kind of echo what Rachel says, that we would like to grow our fleet more than anything you know in the near future, within the next couple years year to I'm still amazed at how quickly you got it going.
Speaker 3:You said it went from text to LLC and credit card in the span of like seven days. So you've already got plans to expand, which is absolutely admirable. It's so cool. I think it's a really fun idea.
Speaker 3:Love hearing that people are like getting in there and laughing and just creating memories and I have to say like visit Quad Cities. That's what we're all about. So like this is going like very much in conjunction with our goal for people when they come here whether you're a visitor, you're a resident, whatever we want you to make a memory, a lifelong, lasting memory. Whatever brought you here, whatever you're here for, we want you to just have like have a good foundation of you know, happy, positive memories doing whatever it is that you're doing. And you guys are adding to that space, which is just so cool because it goes right in line with what we are passionate about here. I have to know I mean this it was such a quick endeavor. Was there anybody and you don't have to name names, but just was there anybody that was like Rachel and Kelsey, like are you out of your mind? This isn't going to go? Well, you're doing this too quickly. Was there anyone that was like hey, hold up stop.
Speaker 4:I mean, I can think of a couple of just like little comments. You know, just kind of, yeah, like you're going, you're going at this too quickly, like you're kind of in over your head, or you know the, the small investment that we have made. I think Rachel and I both look at it this way it's going to pay off in the long run and I don't see how it couldn't and I don't think Rachel does either see how it couldn't pay off. It's just like you said. It's and we say this every day. It's just like a we're our own little niche niche. Have you ever been to pronounced that, canada? I don't know. But we're just, we're different.
Speaker 4:We are a photographer. We're not here to be your photographer, we're here to get the behind the scenes moments at your event. We're here to provide you with those moments that you're not involved in, maybe on your wedding day. It's just those things and seeing all the people and all the fun that they're having in the photo booth, when you weren't able to experience it yourself. So it's just, that's just a small part of what we do, but it makes it really special to us and we have, like you said, we contribute well to, you know, just making memories in the space and the Quad Cities. We have a little rug and it says it's always happy hour here, and it's not meant for alcohol, it's meant because you're always smiling when you're in the photo booth, so you're always happy. That's so true, I love that.
Speaker 3:So you two. I love to kind of dig into like how far your background goes you two are. It is a woman owned business. You two came together and you're making it happen. So congratulations on that. Like the success you guys have already seen so far is really great. Looking forward to seeing what comes next of your fleet. Take us back to Rachel and Kelsey of yesteryear. Where did this all begin?
Speaker 1:Yeah. So I actually joined the JC's in 2020, september of 2021 and really hit the ground running. In fact, I got rookie of the year for that year and then Kelsey was running the wedding expo and needed a co-chair, so I kind of stepped in and we realized then like we worked very well together, like just simultaneously. I was able to catch on quickly. She was, you know, we're very organized, we're go getters, and so we came really close friends and then over time we just we were on the board together last year at the JC's and then Just stayed in touch and I'm like you know, if I ever go into business with anyone, it will be Kelsey Watson and sure enough, october that that happened.
Speaker 4:Yeah, we both found Like a passion that we really aligned well with. We do work really well together and I don't think I could go into business with someone else other than Rachel either, because we both bring things to the table that the other doesn't, and we aligned very, very much on so many things. It's kind of it's kind of a dream partnership, and I'm I'm really grateful that we found each other and we're able to go in on this together.
Speaker 3:So, being new, relatively new business owners, what would you guys say is your best piece of advice for somebody who wants to look into starting their own thing?
Speaker 1:Yeah, I would certainly Look to someone that you work well with and that you've worked with well in the past and and there's actually a lot of free resources that you can utilize, like we've utilized score we have a fantastic mentor who's helping us out, and I'm sure, kelsey, do you have anything you want to add to that?
Speaker 4:Well, I think, too, like piggybacking off of finding a good partner to work with. If that's the route you want to go, I highly recommend working with a partner, because there's things that Rachel does in the business that I know I wouldn't be as great at or Like I at least don't want to say as hard Yep. So I think that finding someone that you align with on a lot of your values, when it comes down to like Even as simply as like you know, when we make X amount of money, we're gonna do this and you know, have like physical, tangible goals, it's just nice to have a partner you can bounce ideas off of and you're not. You know, if you're in your own head, you can, you can talk to them and they'll be like no, this idea is crazy. But in a but in a more like you know, meaningful aspect, I think, just like Rachel said, fighting those like free resources, really shopping around to see what you can get the best bang for your buck for.
Speaker 4:When we were even shopping for the trailer, we, we I think we visited two or three places to, or maybe one other trailer, but we really did like that out. You know, even like we had to vet down as far as, like another weight of the trailer, how long was make sure that our vehicles could carry. So Just doing a lot of research on like what, what can I take? And, yeah, and if what you're wanting to bring to the space that you're in and like the area that you're, your community, you're part of, is it going to be successful. So having some sort of marketing strategy, which we also Excuse me also got from score. It's helping us lay out a lot of the groundwork for what we can hopefully have a successful business with.
Speaker 3:You mentioned you know a little bit ago, kind of all the collaboration that it took to like getting the wagon off the ground and, you know, refurbishing and what have you, and just other like you know resources that you sought out at the beginning.
Speaker 3:And I think that that's such a testament to like starting a business in the Quad Cities, because it is such like a Like a diverse community as far as expertise goes, because we've got like we've got a ton of higher education where people are being built up for different fields, different expertise, there's people that are willing to help out each other. It's a neighbor helping neighbor kind of vibe around here. I hear that a lot from business owners that like, yeah, there's more Collaboration and like rising tide than there is like trying to, like, you know, compete or cut down or, you know, invade a space. It's like, yeah, there's you know 14 craft breweries in the community, but guess what? There's room for all of them. They all have their own kind of thing, they all have their own niche. Everybody, you know, has their own favorite, so to speak. So I think I'm kind of feeling that from you guys in your, in your like testimony about starting up.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it's definitely community over competition in every sense of that phrase. There is room for every level of whatever is being offered, Because there's an audience for it, you know. So when we were getting started referencing back to, you know who kind of helped us kind of get off our feet and or get up on our feet or whatever you want to call it. We actually worked with several JC's members. So just making those connections, you know even McKinney insurance he helped us with ensuring our trailer. We work with Drew Grace at IH Mississippi Valley Credit Union. They're both JC's members and we appreciate their help so much because a lot of the things that they help us with we wouldn't have been able to figure out on our own. And just making those connections, networking, just getting your foot in the door it's all Sounds cliche but it is very much A necessary tool. Yeah and yeah, the Quad Cities is definitely a place that I think can foster that.
Speaker 3:What's our catchphrase Hashtag bring it QC. Like any idea is no idea is a dumb idea. You know we want to hear everything. There's somebody to help Along the way, you know. Thank you guys for that.
Speaker 1:We're definitely lucky to live in an area where local businesses are supported and there's a lot of collaboration involved with different businesses as well. So we look forward to what's to come with other Local businesses and, in a collaboration aspect, where does your like passion project start or passion for?
Speaker 3:Personal service. Start individually like Kelsey. Could you start like take us back, why nonprofits?
Speaker 4:Well, I started with JC's of the Quad Cities, probably back in like 2017, and I really got involved because of the Bridal Expo now called Wedding Expo.
Speaker 4:I wanted to be on the committee. I was a vendor already and I wanted to just get more involved with a group that you know does good things in the community and the JC they were. You know, they're a group of people ages 21 to 40. I was like, okay, cool, check that off the list. They do the Bridal Expo check. You know it just hit a lot of checked a lot of boxes for me as to what I was looking for in some of the organizations to join. So I joined and I've been in it for now. Oh, this is my seventh year. Oh my God, oh my gosh, it's a long time. I have been involved with JCC for seven years and so I was president last year. I'm sure a woman this year, last year, is nominated for the top, one of the top presidents of the, of the I don't know what you call it semester or whatever it's called. Rachel, I think you nominated these Of Iowa.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you were top president of Iowa. Yeah, for 2012.
Speaker 4:That's awesome, yeah. So and then I am also involved with Lead Her, I have a mentor and she's really sweet, and I'm also a big sister and my brother's big sisters. I think what it all boils down to is I'm a type one on the Enneagram, which I don't know. If you're familiar with the Enneagram, rachel and I are very passionate about the Enneagram. There's nine different personality types. I'm type one which is called the idealist or the perfectionist, but my favorite term for it is the reformer. So at my core, I just like leaving things better than I found them. So that's really, I think, what it boils down to.
Speaker 3:Awesome, rachel, take us back. Where does your passion come from?
Speaker 1:I've always been really involved with nonprofits, like in high school. I was president of Key Club for two years. I was in future business leaders of America Banner of High School and really I learned a lot. And then, when I moved back here, I wanted to create a new friend group and so I joined the JCs of the Quad Cities.
Speaker 1:I work for Royal Neighbors of America, which is really philanthropic focused, and we have a chapter system which we can donate to a variety of area nonprofits and things like that. So I love working for Royal Neighbors and being part of that, as well as having the opportunity to volunteer as well in my free time, and I mean the JCs really also has opened that up. I've learned about a lot of new nonprofits that we can be focused on. I kind of led the I think it was 2022 initiative for the JCs to donate money towards a 180, it's what's it called like a jumble gym at 180. So always been heavily involved with the community and that's where kind of Kelsey and I align. In fact, we're happy to work with nonprofits and provide discounts and things for that, because that's where we kind of started, that's how we met and that's where we really want to focus.
Speaker 3:Yeah, oh, that's awesome. Well, thank you guys for like kind of encapsulating what the snap wagon is, how you guys came to be partners with it. I'm looking at your social media as we speak right now and I just I'm loving the like anatomy of Dorothea and just the really fun like inside that got a lot of likes that way. I think that did so well because like it really it's, when you're talking about it verbally it's a little difficult to like picture understand. I mean, you laid it out really well, kelsey, when you like were you know, explaining the, the pearl color and the flooring and kind of the aesthetic. It's really helpful to take a look at this picture. So the snap wagon mobile photo booth is that your like handle across all platforms.
Speaker 4:So it's the snap wagon QC on Instagram, linkedin, tiktok and snap wagon Quad Cities on Facebook. And, honestly, it's because I messed up and made the wrong Facebook account at first and I couldn't make it with QC, so it had to be the snap wagon Quad Cities. But yeah, and if you're going to ask about how the name came to be because I feel like that's where this is leading, but maybe I'm wrong- no, you're on the right track.
Speaker 3:Hit me.
Speaker 4:Um, well, rachel and I were seeing names and you know, once we're like are we doing this?
Speaker 4:And then like on a you know, name, business name generator, because, as one does, you go on a business name generator on Google and we were like the flash bar, the snap bar that you know. We were just thinking of, all these things were like we're not a bar. I love the word bar, but we're not a bar. Yeah, we're not a mobile Bar. There are, there's a mobile bar called wheelie boozy. Shout out to Jill Um, we are not that. She does a great job doing that and her name is so cute. We just liked the name from a generator. That's where this is going. Oh my gosh. Yep, yeah, wagon situation. Yeah, oh, I love it, yeah.
Speaker 3:You know there's no other, there's no better way. If you the name comes upon you and it works and it fits and you like it, then that's perfect.
Speaker 4:Yeah, we both love that one. I don't know, I don't remember what the other options were outside. I remember liking flash bar, but also that could be completely misinterpreted. Yeah.
Speaker 1:That's, that's where I was coming from with them, like preferring the snap wagon over the flash bar.
Speaker 3:That's the snap wagon after hours. Yeah, oh, my gosh. Okay, I have a couple more for you guys. Okay, so off business. Just think free time, kelsey Rachel, fun time. You're just doing what you want to do. What is your favorite thing to do in the Quad Cities? If someone comes to you, they're from out of town. Kelsey Rachel, what do I do? I've got an afternoon to spend. What do you say, can they?
Speaker 4:come like around brunch time, sure, whatever you want. So I would absolutely take them to 392 Coffee Bar Cafe. 392 Cafe. Get the vanilla ice signature latte Large, because you'll need it, and the breakfast burrito. If you want to add chorizo, go for it, get wild. Then I would probably take them to Like, go thrifting like at different shops around the Quad Cities, because that's just like what I love to do in my free time and Go get your nails done, if you want. And then you go to lunch hungry hobo I Do love me some hungry hobo, yes. And then number 11, night. Number 11, regular with cheddar fries, the combo pack, yep, yeah, so like eating. I just like a coffee shop. You can, you can't really go wrong. Coffee shop number one place. I'm gonna take someone to go, that's like you know. Even my friend was just in town on Saturday. You went to 392. I also went to the last Saturday, so and it's a local business and it's in downtown, which is a great area to explore if you're looking to kind of hang out, and, yeah, awesome.
Speaker 1:I would. I would see, I would say I would take them to the farmers market. I love the farmers market. Got hit up lady teas for some. You know all the brownies, oh my gosh, I have a sweet tooth. My, it's my weakness. And then, if we're gonna, you know, have brekkie, where you would go to Jimmy's pancake house, yes, and have the pancake of the month, because they, their pancakes, are unlike anybody else's pancakes, although, you see, pancake house does do a really good.
Speaker 4:Yeah, you do. Our next, our next business meeting, can be there.
Speaker 1:I agree, yeah.
Speaker 4:Over some cinnamon roll pancakes yes, sure, and in order of biscuits and gravy, because they put bacon in their gravy and it's so good.
Speaker 3:Thank you for telling me to your next business meeting, please. Awesome suggestions. Thank you, guys. I always like to ask that from, like Amy said, you're not like fully and Accusing native, but like close enough you've. You've been here for many years and it's really nice to get that insight. So I'm gonna I'm gonna ask you one final question on this podcast. Qc, that's where, fill in the blank, whatever strikes you, rachel, you go first. Qc, that's where.
Speaker 1:You come back and raise your family yes, love it.
Speaker 4:Okay, qc, that's where you go out for coffee, that's what. That's the first thing that came to my life that suits you. I mean, I like I. I work at coffee shops like at least twice a week, so I always have to try, like all of the new ones, all of the ones I've not been to, I love it. The QC coffee trail. Yes, yes, yes.
Speaker 3:Yes, I was just about to. Yes, we fully support that. The QC coffee trail. There are so many awesome options on the QC coffee trail. Qc coffee trail dot com. You can like, sip your way to prizes. You can come in and see us and we will help you sign on if you want a little help. But yeah, it's really easy, just an on-your-phone thing. So thank you for plugging that. That's fabulous. Yes, drink coffee in the Quad Cities. Thank you guys so much. I'm gonna link all of your social media To the description of this podcast. If you're listening or if you're watching on YouTube, just look down in that description and you can find the snap wagon Rachel and Kelsey. Thank you again so much for being part. Keep an eye out on their social for upcoming fun stuff and the anatomy of Dorothea and we will see you guys again soon.
Speaker 2:Thanks for listening to QC. That's where a podcast powered by visit Quad Cities Text visit QC to 38314 for insider events, activities and updates sent straight to your phone. That's the IS it QC. One word to 38314. Message and data rates may apply.