Raising a Glass to Community and Education: The St Ambrose University Wine Festival Series
Embark on a delightful journey with me as I sit down with Kristen Vito, the passionate assistant Director of Alumni Events and Community Engagement at St Ambrose University. During our conversation, we traverse Kristen's surprising path from exercise science to the vibrant world of community engagement, uncovering how her work is integral to nurturing the future through the SAU Wine Festival Series.
Sip and savor the essence of the SAU Wine Fest Series' 23 years of togetherness, philanthropy, and scholarship support, all distilled into a series of events designed to captivate the heart and palate. The festival represents more than a gathering; it's a bridge connecting alumni and the local community, fostering a culture of investment in the region's growth and prosperity. Kristen and I ponder the potent blend of social enjoyment and giving back, illustrating how these events have blossomed into a cornerstone of community and educational support.
As the conversation winds down, we shed light on how you can be a part of this festive tradition and contribute to the future of promising students. Discover where to sign up, how to get involved, and learn more about the rich experiences awaiting you at the Wine Fest Series. Kristen's fervor for St Ambrose and the Quad Cities promises to leave you inspired and eager to join in the celebrations that so beautifully intertwine education, community, and the timeless joy of a fine glass of wine.
Check out www.sau.edu/winefest for more information and to register.
Keep up with St. Ambrose happenings on their social media: https://www.facebook.com/stambroseuniversity
QC, That's Where is a podcast powered by Visit Quad Cities. Through the people, partnerships, and personalities woven throughout the Quad Cities region, you'll meet real Quad Citizens and hear the untold stories of the region.
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This event series has really grown over the years. I think people realize what a great cause it is and who doesn't love to raise money for a great cause and have a glass of wine and toast to some great opportunities for future students and students that are currently at Antwerp?
Speaker 2:Where do you find a family of communities connected by the storied Mississippi River, where young explorers and dreamers, investors and entrepreneurs thrive? Where can you connect with real people living and creating in a place that's as genuine as it is quirky QC? That's where.
Speaker 3:Welcome to QC. That's where I'm Katrina, your host, and today I'm talking to Kristen Vito, the assistant Director of Alumni Events and Community Engagement at St Ambrose University. Kristen also oversees our topic of conversation today. She helps oversee the SAU Wine Festival series. So, Kristen, hello Welcome.
Speaker 1:Hello, thanks for having me.
Speaker 3:Yeah, super excited. This event is a great marker for scholarship opportunities for SAU and I want to get all into what's coming up. You guys have put a lot of really hard work into this three-part series. But first I want to get to know Kristen a little bit. So tell me a little bit about what it is to be the Alumni Events and community engagement assistant director at Ambrose and what your day-to-day is a little bit.
Speaker 1:Sure, I had the great opportunity of working with a phenomenal team and advancement and alumni and we work with, obviously at St Ambrose, alumni as well as donors throughout the community and country that help support St Ambrose. I do a lot of event planning for our alumni and donors. We get to celebrate how they're helping make St Ambrose just a great place for students to be and get a great education.
Speaker 3:So you're speaking from personal experience, because you were a student. What did you study there?
Speaker 1:Actually my family members were students there, or I have my brother-in-law and sister-in-law were students there, but I was able to watch them go get a great education through St Ambrose and attend graduations and events there. So I've been able to watch a lot of family members graduate from St Ambrose.
Speaker 3:Oh, gotcha, sorry, I misheard you. I thought you said that you went there as well, so no, that's okay, no problem. Where did you go? If you don't mind my asking.
Speaker 1:I went to Clark College.
Speaker 3:Oh, okay, and what was your area of study there?
Speaker 1:So I actually studied exercise science.
Speaker 3:Okay, Isn't that so funny? Like I find that so many people study one thing, but then when you get out into the world, it's like whether you got into it or not, you just kind of develop different interests and your life kind of goes down a different path.
Speaker 1:Yep, that it's. It's interesting, I worked in that field for several years and then, yeah, I decided to change the direction and this is. It's been a great experience working at St Ambrose, just being on campus and watching the students that are, you know, engaged with different things that are going on with their studies and events and athletics and just different things that are going on campus. It's great to be out there and watching them engage and then bringing back those alumni to see how much the campus has grown and where we're going in the future with education.
Speaker 3:With your like family ties and roots, you got a lot of exposure, you know, before you were working there. Are you a Quad Cities native as well?
Speaker 1:I am for the most part. I grew up in DeWitt, iowa, so, which is part of the Quad Cities, and then moved here when I got married, so we've been here over 20 years.
Speaker 3:Okay, awesome. Yeah, I was kind of a transplant um once I entered adulthood, if you will, but um always came to the Quad Cities like growing up, cause we had family here. So I, yeah I kind of had the same experience a little bit where, like I would get to see like my family members doing Quad City things and join in, you know kind of like opportunistically, so, um, it's a great place to to wind up, you know, as an adult, and a great place to grow up to. I mean ever since, I mean for the last couple of decades, like I feel like the Quad Cities has really been like bouncing back, expanding, growing, working together, and I've seen people do a lot of that, like boomerang, where they kind of grew up here, left for a little bit and then they end up coming back.
Speaker 3:Right, yes, I see a lot of that, do you?
Speaker 1:see a lot of that in the students at Amber I do I do and then you see them bring their families back. They want to bring, you know, raise their kids here, and I think a lot of people don't realize there's so much to do in the Quad Cities and there's always something going on, I feel like every weekend, and I think having a university in the Quad Cities is just it's great because you know, a lot of our students go on to work at businesses in the Quad Cities and, yeah, I think it's just a Quad Cities is just a great place and I think people don't always realize what we have to offer as far as things to do and great place to live and great communities.
Speaker 3:You're so right on that and that's one thing, like at Visit Quad Cities, that we try to tout and just like increase that brag ability because there are so many things like fun. Fact, there are over 1000 events held in the Quad Cities every year and you know there's between seven and 800 restaurants in the Quad Cities. There's like a lot of things to do, a lot of places to explore and you know events like what we're going to talk about help kind of just raise morale, do something nice for students. There's so many higher ed opportunities in the Quad Cities and opportunities, once you graduate, to stay and start living your life and working. So let's, let's dive in to this wine festival series. Sure, what is it and why is it great for the wine aficionados and also students coming up at Ambrose Sure.
Speaker 1:So the wine fest series San Ambrose wine series is a three-part series. It's three events. I had our first event back in March and that was our Wine at the Warehouse. That event is a really unique event because it takes place in a warehouse down at Dimitri Wine and Spirits. It's a two-hour event. We have some local food vendors that come in and you just get to sample everything over 60, 70 wine that you can pair with some different food and things like that. It's just a great way, it's very casual. So that's our first event was by the warehouse.
Speaker 1:And then we have the preview dinner, which is April 13. And this is more of elegant dinner. And then we have our May events, May 18, which is our wine tasting event, in which what's great about all three of these events is if you are a wine connoisseur or if you're just starting out and just, you know, wanted to see what is out there for different kinds of wine, it gives you an opportunity to taste all the different kinds and pair them with different foods. And what's the most important part about these three events is all the money raised goes towards student scholarships, and 99% of our students qualify for some type of financial aid, and so this is a great opportunity to have some fun and raise money to help students get an affordable education at St Ambrose.
Speaker 3:So we are in about springtime of 2024. So Wine at the Warehouse. That first piece in March is done for this year. But if you happen to be listening in the future, if it is 2025, 26, we could probably count that this event is still going on. So take a look this year 2024, is the 23rd anniversary of this event.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 3:That's a long time it is.
Speaker 1:It's a long time for an event and, um, you know, a lot of times events kind of you know they, either you have to either shut them down or you don't get the attendance. This, um, this event series has really grown over the years. Um, I think people realize what a great cause it is and, um, who doesn't love to, you know, raise money for great cause and have a glass of wine and toast to some great opportunities for future students and students that are currently at Ambrose.
Speaker 3:It's a really unique way to raise money. You know, I think people hear the word scholarship event or something, or scholarship fundraiser, and the first thing that goes to your mind is probably something a little more dry or not as exciting. But the fact that you guys have been able to pair a fun event with this mission is really outstanding and it shows in the longevity of this event that it works.
Speaker 1:Right right, it sure does, and we are starting to get younger generation in there that have graduated from St Ambrose. They want to give back. They know how they benefited from the scholarships and so they want to give back to that, and it's a great way for them to help out with that.
Speaker 3:So hosting a three part, hosting an event first of all, is no small undertaking. Um, a three-part series for 23 years is, I mean, mission impossible. You guys have been able to make it happen. So there is a committee, correct? That kind of makes it all happen. Yes, correct. And so so the three, the three pieces of this event. Um, you know, you guys all what like divide and conquer.
Speaker 1:We do. We have our staff for our alumni team and we all kind of help out and take different components of each event. And then we have this amazing Wine Fest committee board and they go out and they help bring sponsors in and, you know, help bring donations of wine in for our silent auction and help go out and bring in live auction items for the preview dinner. They do a lot of work. They help with marketing and they help, yeah, just kind of get people aware of the events and how it can help raise money for student scholarships. So our board is excellent. The committee just does so much work for us and helps, helps make these events so successful.
Speaker 3:Is this like purely staff and like alumni run, or do you guys have student involvement at all in in making it happen?
Speaker 1:Right now it's just purely staff and then committee. We do have actually for our preview dinner, because it's a three course meal and things like that we do have. This year we're having the men's and women's basketball team and they will be helping serve for that event. So men's basketball team will be helping bring out the main courses, yeah, and the girls basketball team they'll be pouring all the wine. So it's kind of a fun way to get them involved and it's a great opportunity for our donors to interact with our students and talk to them and see how things are going on campus. So it's a great way for that to help.
Speaker 3:It's great you guys have kind of developed an ecosystem for it to continue to thrive, because you've got the students having at least a layer of involvement and then you know it bakes into the alumni experience, I guess if you will Right, yep, that's exactly how it works. Yeah, I have a pretty amazing stat here. So, like you said, 99% of St Ambrose students qualify for financial aid and this event adds up to more than 27 million awarded each year.
Speaker 3:Yes, yes, my jaw is dropping If you aren't watching on the YouTube version right now. My jaw just dropped. That's an insane amount of gifts that you can give to these students.
Speaker 1:Yes, yes, we're currently at. For the Wine, fet and Series alone, we're at about 1.8 million. We're hoping to reset 2 million mark this year. And then, as a whole, that's how much the school gives out for scholarships throughout. So this event on its own, we're looking to reset 2 million mark this year.
Speaker 3:You've kind of walked me through the preview dinner. It's a very upscale You're going to get dressed into something nice and three course meal wine pouring. Let's dive in a little bit to the festival, the third tier of this event.
Speaker 1:Sure, sure. So the Wine Fest is on May 18th. It's also graduation day that day, and so this event takes place on campus at St Ambrose and we'll have over a hundred wine that people taste and we'll have food vendors there and it's a great way just to go through and find out what you like. Maybe there's a favorite that you've had in the past, come back and try that again, and it's from three to six on the 18th and yeah, it's just a great way to hopefully it'll be a beautiful May day on that day and again raising money for those scholarships and tasting just a variety of different wine.
Speaker 3:That's always fun. It's like a fun date idea. You know, tasting, yeah, and what you said about the preview dinner to how you can kind of experience the dinner.
Speaker 1:Food pairings yes it's such it's a fun experience, but it's also like an educational experience, yeah right, and that's what's neat about the preview dinner is we actually have a our featured vintner that will come in. And that's what's neat about the preview dinner is we actually have a, um, our featured vintner that will come in. And so this year, our featured vintner is Smith Madrone, and it's Stu Smith from Smith Madrone winery, out of Napa Valley, and so during the preview dinner, when each course comes out, they will um, he and Dimitri Papagiorgio, who owns Dimitri Wine, spir Spirits. They have paired up the different wine to match the course, and so he will come up, stu Smith will come up and talk about the wine and what it's paired with, and so, yeah, it's very much an educational experience for people that are there as well.
Speaker 3:So what are you most excited about for what's yet to come in this three-part series?
Speaker 1:about for what's yet to come in this three-part series. Sure, I think it's just getting to see our alumni, getting to see our donors and just showcasing what they have helped do to grow St Ambrose and continue to make it just a wonderful place for students to be and continue to make it just a wonderful place for students to be and getting to showcase that and making them, helping them realize what they've done for these students that go to St Ambrose. So that's what I enjoy about these events is getting to showcase all those great components.
Speaker 3:I imagine that an event like this naturally would kind of turn into like a reunion event.
Speaker 1:Yes, and some people do that with a lot of them. They'll call and say, hey, are you coming back for this? You know they'll reserve tables for the preview dinner with either people that they work with or people they've gone to school with, or friends that they're friends with. So, yeah, it's a great way to do that as well.
Speaker 3:And it's kind of like a something for everyone event.
Speaker 1:Yes, it is, and both events, like I said, you know, the March event is a little more casual, the April one is yeah, get dressed up for an elegant night out.
Speaker 3:And then the one in May is a little more casual as well, and so, yeah, there's definitely something for every age and just a lot of fun, yeah, and so in your efforts you know you've been working so hard to get this promoted you guys have had the opportunity to go on like our local TV stations shows and do a segment. Where have you presented this so far?
Speaker 1:Sure. So we went on Quad Cities Live and we've also been on Living Local and both segments were great. They both do a wonderful job of just promoting the Quad Cities and fun things are taking place, and so we're really fortunate and lucky to have both of those there to help promote events for us.
Speaker 3:Hopefully, you know, with with more exposure, stuff like this, I mean honestly, just the higher ed options in the Quad Cities are unmatched and the more opportunities financially that we can, you know, help give to up and coming the next generation, if you will like, we're all on board with. At Visit Quad Cities, our local media partners are obviously had that same mission. There is so much to the Quad Cities, like you know, for whatever age you are, whether you are a college student, whether you're a parent of a college student, and we just like to continue to foster that relationship with our, you know, higher ed institutions. Super excited for this event. And so, kind of taking a step back from your experience in the Quad Cities so far, what has been your like go-to? Just Kristen out for a night or something fun you like to do. What's your go-to thing in the Quad Cities? I really like to go to thing in the Quad.
Speaker 1:Cities. I really like to go to local restaurants, local breweries, local wineries, local coffee shops and really support the local part of it. I enjoy a great coffee on Saturday mornings at some of the different local businesses. So, yeah, I think for me it's just going out there and just there there's so much in the Quad Cities and just trying something new, um when I can and um taking family members and friends to those new places as well.
Speaker 3:When I first moved here I just thought it was like too cool that you can get across from Illinois to Iowa, or vice versa, in like a matter of minutes, you know depending on where you are, I mean the Quad Cities are legitimately has no commute time wherever you are, you can get to where you need to be in 20 minutes or less practically, and so I really loved taking people on like a bike ride.
Speaker 3:I would start at Schwiebert Park in Rock Island and I'd be like we can be downtown Iowa in 10 minutes, like, let's roll, you know, go bike downtown across like the government bridge and then back over across the Centennial. I just love features like that and I think it's probably for students coming in who are not from here, they're from out of town, they're maybe exploring, not sure if they want to go to St Ambrose yet it's got to be an easy sell.
Speaker 1:It is and there's there's so much like, like you said, getting from one side to the other across the river. Yeah, it's a great way to be like there's there's so much to do, especially for college students. There's so many different, you know, attractions, especially when they bring if they're from out of state, you know, bring their family members here. There's always something to do with your family members different places to see, and I think the river adds a lot. There's just a lot of things to do on the river as well. But, yeah, it's definitely a great place to live and with having so many different surrounding communities as part of the Quad Cities, yeah, totally.
Speaker 3:So what else about this event? Like if I'm brand new here, I've never heard of it. You've got an elevator pitch, essentially to get me to come to one of these tiers of the event. What are you going to say?
Speaker 1:I am going to say if you love to raise funds and help raise funds for a great cause, the Wine Fest series is the way to do it. If you enjoy, you know, great conversation and camaraderie and tasting some great wine, it's a great way to support a wonderful cause with helping students gain a great education at St Ambrose.
Speaker 3:Sold. I'm there Done. So last thing I kind of want to just touch on is do you have a few highlight pieces of the St Ambrose campus or St Ambrose life, things to do around Ambrose, you know, kind ofa pitch sure.
Speaker 1:so the campus is beautiful, um, and I I think that's one thing If you're from the Quad Cities, if you haven't had a chance to go on campus and walk around. They've done some great, great additions and great improvements to some of the buildings around campus. The grounds look amazing. It really feels like a community when you walk on campus. Feels like a community when you walk on campus and they continue to do some great things within the College of Business. And we have a new building that was just remodeled, Higgins Hall. That dedication will be coming up, so that's a new renovation to that building. So it's just going to be continued growth on campus and I think it's just. It's just a very beautiful campus to be part of.
Speaker 3:Well said. So on that note, I have to ask you per tradition on this podcast, we always have the guest fill in the blank.
Speaker 1:QC, that's where the fun stuff happens.
Speaker 3:Oh, I like that one. We might steal that. That's good. Well, thank you so much, Kristen. Where can people go to sign up for this event, register, get a little more info, or if they want to just help donate to the scholarship fund?
Speaker 1:Sure they can go to for more information on the Wine Fest events and to purchase tickets. They can go to sauedu slash wine fest and that there will take. Give them all the information to purchase tickets as well as donate to the scholarships.
Speaker 3:Amazing, so we will go ahead and link that in the description. So if you're watching on the YouTube video, go ahead and look in the description, or if you're on a podcast platform, it will be there as well. And yeah, thank you so much. We'll make sure that this event is on our events calendar as well, so check that out. Visitquadcitiescom slash events for all the fun stuff happening in the Quad Cities. Again, thanks, kristen, this was really fun.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much, katrina, appreciate it.
Speaker 2:Thanks for listening to QC. That's when a podcast powered by Visit Quad Cities Text VISITQC to 38314 for insider events, activities and updates sent straight to your phone. That's V-I-S-I-T-Q-C one word to 38314. Message and data rates may apply Bye.